Lawren Harris

Grade 9 Visual Arts

Lesson & materials created by Siobhan Prow
Brought to you by the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre

Overview and Purpose

This lesson uses a Canadian artist born in Brantford to consider the long-term effect that industry had on the community and its members. In doing so, this lesson allows students to practice two important aspects of the arts curriculum: critical analysis, and art, society and values. After learning about Lawren Harris, grandson of the Massey-Harris wealth, students will reflect on three of his paintings. One analysis will consider their personal reaction to his work and examine it for artistic elements and design. A second analysis will look at how his paintings reflect himself and his society – perhaps students can find a connection between themselves and Lawren, as similar community members of Brantford.

Education Standards

This lesson reflects the standards of Strand B, Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing of the Grade 9 Visual Arts curriculum. By researching and writing about Lawren Harris, students will practice the critical analysis process and learn about art, society, and values.

Curriculum Connections

B1. The Critical Analysis Process

B1.1 identify and describe their initial reactions to a variety of art works

B1.2 identify, on the basis of examination, elements and principles of design used in various art works, and describe their effects

B1.3 interpret a variety of historical and/or contemporary art works

B2. Art, Society, and Values

B2.1 identify the functions of various types of art works

B2.2 identify ways in which various art works reflect the society in which they were created


  1. Learn about the background of a specific artist born in Brantford
  2. Identify and examine artworks including their design elements and the emotions they evoke
  3. Connect artworks to their societal values


  • Worksheet
  • Slideshow presentation, available for download as a PowerPoint or from the Canva link, here.
  • Teachers can choose between allowing students to freely choose paintings by Harris using the computer, utilizing the attached document of Harris’s paintings, or playing this Youtube video of paintings and their names for the students.


Go through the PowerPoint

For the first segment students will choose one of Lawren Harris’ works for their personal analysis. Answer questions: Do you like it? How does it make you feel? What artistic elements are used in this piece, and why? Prompt students to consider the use of colour to depict emotion, the use of emphasis on certain elements, etc.

For the second segment students will pick two paintings of Harris’ to consider him and the society in which he made his works. Answer question: how does each of these paintings reflect the society in which Harris made his art? For example, in his painting “Return from Church” one can see the importance that religion played in society

Downloadable Materials

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PPTX file icon Grade 9 Art - Lawren Harris Powerpoint Details




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DOCX file icon Grade 9 Art - Lawren Harris Worksheet Details




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DOCX file icon Grade 9 Art - Some works of Lawren Harris Details




481.82 KB


“Lawren Harris.” The Group of Seven, August 28, 2019.

“Massey-Harris Company.” Companies of Canada Wiki. Accessed July 7, 2022.