Community, History, and Soap

Brant Soap Works 48.png

Brantford Soap Works image from Watt Jr., William. The City of Brantford, Canada: The Telephone City of the West. Press of Watt & Sheston, Brantford, Canada, 1886. Page 48.

Grades 1-8

Social Studies and Math

Created by Siobhan Prow 

Brought to you by the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre


Overview and Purpose

This lesson considers the historical community of Brantford including the role of the grocer by looking at a specific local company, Brantford Soap Works, in the 1800-1900s. The lesson ends with a recipe for Squishy Soap. The math worksheets vary depending on the math curriculum for each grade. While younger students will practise their counting and measuring skills, older students will work on their division and conversion skills. All students will decode their soap recipe before creating it.

Education Standards

This lesson reflects the standards laid out in the Social Sciences Curriculum for Grade 1. Strand B, regarding the community, will be discussed. While this will be a review for higher grades, teachers are welcome to edit the presentation to include aspects of their Social Studies, History, or Geography lessons if they so wish. Following the presentation students of all grades will be challenged at their appropriate math level by decoding a recipe. Strands B1, B2, and E2 will be applied. Please refer to the curriculum texts on page 3 to see which strand applies to which Grades math sheet.


1.     Learn about the parts of a community from a historical perspective

2.     Learn about the history and scientific importance of soap

3.     Practice math skills


1.     Slideshow presentation

a.     Available to download as PowerPoint

b.     Or Canva link here:

2.     YouTube video: the History of Soap


3.     Worksheets

4.     Activity Materials

a.     Liquid Soap

b.     Oil

c.     Corn Starch

d.     Soap Colouring

e.     Bowls and spoons for mixing

f.     Containers for transportation


·      Go through the PowerPoint, discussing at specific points

·      Complete math sheets to decode the recipe

·      Creation time – Squishy Soap

  • Have students add ingredients to a bowl and mix – adding colouring last
    • ½ cup of cornstarch
    • 1/8 cup of liquid soap (Castile, body wash, etc.)
    • 4 teaspoons oil (some suggest sweet almond oil)
    • Colouring (food dye may colour hands, soap colouring would work best)
  • Soap can be moulded into a ball and placed in a container/ plastic bag for transportation

Note: this recipe for Squishy Soap is derived from “MamaPapaBubba” at

Curriculum Connections:


B1. demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in everyday life

Grade 1:

B1.7 recognize that one half and two fourths of the same whole are equal, in fair-sharing contexts

Grade 2:

B1.7 recognize that one third and two sixths of the same whole are equal, in fair-sharing contexts 

Grade 3:

B1.7 represent and solve fair-share problems that focus on determining and using equivalent fractions, including problems that involve halves, fourths, and eighths; thirds and sixths; and fifths and tenths

Grade 4:

B1.4 represent fractions from halves to tenths using drawings, tools, and standard fractional notation, and explain the meanings of the denominator and the numerator

Grade 7:

B1.7 convert between fractions, decimal numbers, and percents, in various contexts

B2. use knowledge of numbers and operations to solve mathematical problems encountered in everyday life

Grade 8:


multiply and divide fractions by fractions, as well as by whole numbers and mixed numbers, in various contexts

E2. compare, estimate, and determine measurements in various contexts

Grade 5:

E2.2 solve problems that involve converting larger metric units into smaller ones, and describe the base ten relationships among metric units

Grade 6:

E2.1 measure length, area, mass, and capacity using the appropriate metric units, and solve problems that require converting smaller units to larger ones and vice versa 

Social Studies

Strand B. People and Environments: The Local Community

Grade 1:

B1. describe some aspects of the interrelationship between people and the natural and built features of their community, with a focus on how the features of and services in the community meet people’s needs

Downloadable Resources


“Alfred Watts.” WikiTree. Accessed July 22, 2022. 

Etherington, Nathan. “Airing Our Dirty Laundry Exhibit.” Nathan Etherington - Museum Professional, September 14, 2016. 

“The Fascinating History of Soap.” YouTube, May 22, 2020.

Jen. “Awesome DIY Squishy Soap.” Mama.Papa.Bubba., February 2016.