Cockshutt Around the World
James G. Cockshutt
Grades 6-8
Social Studies and Geography
Created by Siobhan Prow
Brought to you by the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre
Overview and Purpose
This lesson teaches students about a local Brantford company which exported goods around the world. In doing so, students learn about international cooperation and social issues around the world. During the activity, students can practice their globe and map skills, identifying where a country is based on its hemispheres and continent.
Education Standards
This lesson reflects the standards laid out in the Social Studies curriculum for grades 6, 7, and 8. Students will learn about topics directed out of the curriculum. Strand B, for Grade 6, Strand A, for Grade 7, and Strand B for Grade 8 are all developed with the written portion of the associated activity. Not only this, but the activity will allow students to practice their digital mapping skills. Younger students will learn about the hemispheres and continents while practicing on a labelled map, while older students will use a non-labelled digital map to identify the correct countries.
These curriculum texts can be found below.
1. Learn about the history of manufacturing in Brantford, including its global reach
2. Learn or review hemispheres
3. Practice their mapping skills
4. Reflect on international cooperation, social issues, and the environment
1. Slideshow presentation
a. Available to download as PowerPoint or through the Canva link here:
2. Worksheet
3. Website or printable map
· Go through the PowerPoint
· Discuss questions in PowerPoint
· Complete the worksheet
Curriculum Connections:
Social Studies
Strand B. People and Environments: Canada’s Interactions with the Global Community (Grade 6)
B1. explain the importance of international cooperation in addressing global issues, and evaluate the effectiveness of selected actions by Canada and Canadian citizens in the international arena
B2. use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some global issues of political, social, economic, and/or environmental importance, their impact on the global community, and responses to the issues
B3. describe significant aspects of the involvement of Canada and Canadians in some regions around the world, including the impact of this involvement
Strand A. Physical Patterns in a Changing World
(Grade 7)
A1. analyse some challenges and opportunities presented by the physical environment and ways in which people have responded to them
A2. use the geographic inquiry process to investigate the impact of natural events and/or human activities that change the physical environment, exploring the impact from a geographic perspective
A3. demonstrate an understanding of significant patterns in Earth’s physical features and of some natural processes and human activities that create and change those features
Strand B. Global Inequalities: Economic Development and Quality of Life
(Grade 8)
B1. analyse some interrelationships among factors that contribute to global inequalities, with a focus on inequalities in quality of life, and assess various responses to these inequalities
B2. use the geographic inquiry process to investigate issues related to global development and quality of life from a geographic perspective
B3. demonstrate an understanding of significant patterns in and factors affecting economic development and quality of life in different regions of the world
Downloadable Resources
Easterlund, Peter. “Cockshutt 35 Photos.” Cockshutt 35 tractor photos information. Accessed July 14, 2022.
“Grade 6 Social Studies - People and Environment - Learning Activity 1.” TVO Learn. Accessed July 14, 2022.