Who Am I?

Grade 12 History

Lesson and materials created by Siobhan Prow
Brought to you by the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre

Overview and Purpose

This lesson uses a game, “Who Am I?” to assist students in their learning of notable 1864-1945 Canadians. By making notes, memorizing and referring to facts, and asking questions about these 10 Canadians, students will reflect on a variety of different experiences for early Canadians. Each of these Canadians have faced hardships in some way and/or have made contributions to the Canadian identity.

Education Standards

This lesson reflects the standards laid out in the Grade 12 History curriculum. Strand D, point 3 is the direct focus of this lesson.

Curriculum Connections

D3. Diversity and Citizenship: analyse challenges facing various groups in Canada between 1867 and 1945 as well as the contributions of various groups and individuals to the development of identity, culture, and citizenship in Canada


  1. Practice collecting and reflecting on historical research
  2. Become familiar with notable Canadians and the rich diversity of the Canadian identity
  3. Have fun with history!


  • Sticky notes
  • Writing utensils
  • Biographies / Notes of biographies


Students have time to make notes from the biographies of notable Canadians.

Split students into groups of desired size (around 4 works best).

Students sit together; each secretly writes the name of a person in the biographies on the sticky note and passes it to the person on their right, who does not look at it, but sticks the sticky note onto their foreheads so everyone else can see the name.

Students take turns asking yes/no questions, ex. “Am I female?” “Am I famous for standing up for the rights of Black Canadians?” to try and figure out which Canadian they are.

Can be played multiple times, later without reference to the biographies.

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