Civic Issues Related to Industrialization

Grade 10 Civics

Lesson & materials created by Siobhan Prow
Brought to you by the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre

Overview and Purpose

This lesson will give students an introduction to the broad spectrum of civic issues related to industrialization and allow them to dive deep into one civic issue of their choice. After learning about each of the civic issues, students can pick one to create a proposed solution to.

Education Standards

This lesson is based on the Ontario Grade 10 Civics Curriculum. The strand of focus is C3, Personal Action on Civic Issues.

Curriculum Connections

C3 Personal Action on Civics Issues

C3.1 Analyse a civic issue of personal interest, including how it is viewed by different groups

C3.2 propose different courses of action that could be used to address a specific civic issue

C3.3 develop a plan of action to implement positive change with respect to a specific civic issue and predict the results of their plan

C3.4 develop criteria that could be used to assess the effectiveness of their plan of action if it were implemented


  1. Learn about a variety of civil issues related to industrialization
  2. Relate to one specific issue and consider solutions to it
  3. Practice brainstorming and proposal creation


  • Learning sheet
  • Proposal worksheet


Students will go through the learning sheet, first watching an introductory video and then choosing which industry they would like to know more about.

Next they will complete a worksheet, brainstorming and then creating a proposal to improve a civic issue related to their chosen industry.

Downloadable Materials