Farming the Prairies
Grade 4 & Grade 8
Science and Technology
Created by Siobhan Prow
Brought to you by the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre
Overview and Purpose
This lesson considers the technological innovation of the JGC plow created in Brantford by James Cockshutt. A slideshow presentation is used to allow students to consider why innovations are important to machines and productivity. After walking through a short history of the settlement of the Prairies and the different ecological setting – in contrast to what had already been settled in Canada pre-1880 – students will have a chance to be innovators themselves. This lesson was created for both younger and older students, so teachers can adapt the lesson based on their knowledge of their class and the standards of writing, drawing, and building that are appropriate for the grade it is being taught in.
Education Standards
This lesson reflects the standards set in the Ontario curriculum for both Grade 4 and Grade 8 students. Within the Science and Technology curriculum, Strand A is used to consider how the occupation of farming benefits from innovations in science and technology. Further, specific aspects of Strand D are integrated in this lesson. D1.1 from Grade 4 and D2.9 from Grade 8 are applicable and this lesson was made with these specific learning goals in mind. Please refer to Page 3 to see these texts.
1. Learn about the history of the JGC plow and the homesteaders in the Prairies
2. Consider how machines and their innovations solve problems and increase productivity
3. Practice innovating to create lasting intellectual connections to the content
1. Slideshow presentation
2. Writing utensils
3. Drawing utensils
4. Paper – lined and blank
· Go through the PowerPoint
- Available per link here:
- Or for download as a PowerPoint Presentation on our website
· Creation Time – have your students come up with an innovation on an already made machine
- What works most of the time, but could be made more efficient or used in a different circumstance?
· Allow your students time to brainstorm their innovation
- Blank sheets of paper and small group conversations could be beneficial, depending on the class
· Have students draw, write, or build their innovation
· Submit to the CIHC for a chance to be published on our website!
Curriculum Connections:
Science and Technology
A3. Applications, Connections, and Contributions Grade 4 & Grade 8
Specific expectations
describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems
investigate how science and technology can be used with other subject areas to address real-world problems
analyse contributions to science and technology from various communities
D1. Relating Science and Technology to Our Changing World
D1.1 Grade 4
assess the impacts of machines and their mechanisms on the daily lives of people in various communities
D2.9 Grade 8
describe technological innovations involving mechanical systems that have increased productivity in various industries